Frequently Asked Questions

What is dysarthria?

Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder characterized by difficulty in articulating sounds, syllables, and words due to muscle weakness or coordination problems. It can result from various neurological conditions, affecting speech clarity and intelligibility.

What is vocal biomarker?

Vocal biomarkers are unique speech characteristics or patterns that provide valuable information about an individual’s health, including potential indications of neurological diseases and motor speech disorders.

What are the potential applications of vocal biomarkers?

Potential applications of vocal biomarkers can range from early disease detection, remote health monitoring, mental health assessment, personalized medicine, marketing analytics, to forensic science including lie detection in certain contexts.

How do vocal biomarkers work?

Vocal biomarkers use advanced technologies to process the acoustic signal, detect or quantify certain speech-related events and interpret the measures of a person’s voice, such as pitch, tone, cadence, and more.

Is vocal biomarker analysis a non-invasive process?

Yes, vocal biomarkers are non-invasive as only a recording of a person’s voice is required. No needles, probes, electrodes, or any physical contact involved.

Are vocal biomarkers a reliable method for health assessment?

Research has shown that vocal biomarkers can be highly reliable, especially when combined with other diagnostic methods. Nevertheless, their accuracy can vary depending on the specific application and the quality of data like any other medical measurement.

Is vocal biomarker analysis widely used in the medical field?

While vocal biomarkers are an emerging field, they are gaining interest in research and clinical settings. A widespread adoption is currently hindered by a lack of transparency and standardization in data capture, processing, and measurement as well as sensitivity of vocal biomarkers to recording device, processing procedures, language, and cultural aspects of speech.

Are there any privacy concerns related to collecting voice data for biomarker analysis?

Yes, privacy is an important consideration. It’s key that voice data is collected and stored securely, and that individuals’ consent is obtained for its use in biomarker analysis. Special attention should be given to privacy concerns when data undergoes processing in the cloud including safeguarding sensitive information, ensuring that it is stored and handled securely with robust encryption, access controls, and regular audits to monitor compliance with privacy policies. Additionally, clear policies should be established regarding data retention and deletion to mitigate potential risks associated with cloud-based processing. Although these measures can minimize the risk related to cloud processing, it never assures perfect safety, therefore, we recommend to process sensitive voice data offline whenever possible.

What diseases are measurable with vocal biomarkers?

Vocal biomarkers can indicate various other health conditions and attributes beyond motor speech disorders. Some of the potential areas where vocal biomarkers have shown promise include:

  • Neurological Disorders: Apart from motor speech disorders like dysarthria in Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis, vocal biomarkers may provide insights into other neurological conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia with lewy bodies.
  • Psychological and Mental Health Conditions: Vocal biomarkers have been studied for their potential to detect and monitor mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia.
  • Respiratory Conditions: Changes in vocal characteristics may be indicative of respiratory disorders, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma.
  • Cardiovascular Health: Vocal biomarkers have been explored to assess cardiovascular health and detect conditions like congestive heart failure.
  • Endocrine Disorders: Vocal biomarkers may offer clues to the presence of endocrine disorders like diabetes and thyroid dysfunction.
  • Cancer Detection and Monitoring: Research is ongoing to explore vocal biomarkers’ role in identifying early signs of certain cancers, such as laryngeal or oral cancer.
  • Aging and Cognitive Decline: Vocal biomarkers may be relevant in assessing age-related changes in speech and cognitive function.
  • Diabetes: Vocal biomarkers have shown potential in detecting diabetes or assessing its impact on vocal characteristics. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that affects how the body processes glucose (sugar), and it can have various effects on the body, including changes in the brain function and respiratory and circulatory systems.

While vocal biomarkers hold promise in these domains, it’s crucial to emphasize that they require further research and validation before becoming widely accepted as diagnostic tools. The field of vocal biomarker research is rapidly advancing, and the scope of this technology’s potential applications continues to expand. As ongoing research unfolds, vocal biomarkers may play an increasingly pivotal role in healthcare, facilitating early detection and enhanced management of diverse health conditions.

Why do you focus only on motors speech disorders when so many diseases are sensitive to vocal biomarkers?

Motor speech disorders are have been researched perceptually for more than half a century and have already established its place in healthcare. Therefore, it is a perfect starting point for foundation of the new exciting technology of vocal biomarkers. Also, the variety of speech symptoms is very rich and can be translated to other less explored diseases. Finally, we focus on one thing to do it well. Please be the one who will help us to scale up and use our technology on other diseases!

What do I need to start with the Dysarthria Analyzer?

To get started with the Dysarthria Analyzer, you will need the following:

  • Please read My First Steps to Vocal Biomarkers (Brochure for free) to not get lost in the process
  • Access to the Software. You may need to fill the registration to create a username and password.
  • Device. You will need a computer to run the Dysarthria Analyzer software. Ensure that your device meets the minimum system requirements specified.
  • Recording setup. A high-quality headset microphone and recorder to record the speech.
  • Computing environment. you will need a MATLAB installed in your computer to run the MATLAB version. The standalone executable without matlab is still developed though a beta version can perfor basic analyses.
  • Familiarity with Speech Analysis. While the Dysarthria Analyzer is user-friendly, having some familiarity with speech analysis or motor speech disorders will be beneficial. This knowledge will help you interpret the results effectively. We can answer certain questions or recommend a training material if required.
  • Documentation and Support. Review any user guides, tutorials, or documentation provided by the software developer. Familiarize yourself with the functionalities and features of the Dysarthria Analyzer. If you have any questions or encounter issues, check if there is a support team you can reach out to for assistance.

Getting started is simple! Just sign up on our website for free and explore our user-friendly tutorials and guides to begin your journey.

Can the Dysarthria Analyzer assist in diagnosing motor speech disorders?

Yes, our software offers valuable insights into motor speech disorders, aiding in accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. The software is tailored as a tool that you can juxtapose with other findings. However, the final decision is upon you and you have to allways follow the whole recommended examination with regard to the hierarchy (please see Figure bellow):

Figure: Hierarchical representation of what a clinician should and can consider for the diagnosis of motor speech disorder. Note that the Dysarhria Analyzer is one the the tools providing interpretable acoustic analysis. Source: Hlavnička, J. (2019). Automated analysis of speech disorders in neurodegenerative diseases. Presentation material for the defence of the doctoral Thesis. Czech Technical University in Prague: Prague, Czech Republic.


Auzou, P., Ozsancak, C., Jan, M., Menard, J.F., Eustache, F., & Hannequin, D. (2000). Evaluation of motor speech function in the diagnosis of various forms of dysarthria. Revue Neurologique, 156, 47-52.

Fonville, S., Van Der Worp, H.B., Maat, P., Aldenhoven, M., Algra, A., & Van Gijn, J. (2008). Accuracy and inter-observer variation in the classification of dysarthria from speech recordings. Journal of Neurology, 255, 1545-1548.

Graaff, M., Kuiper, T., Zwinderman, A., Van de Warrenburg, B., Poels, P., Offeringa, A., Van der Kooi, A., Speelman, H., & De Visser, M. (2009). Clinical identification of dysarthria types among neurologists, residents in neurology and speech therapists. European Neurology, 61, 295-300.

Zyski, B.J., & Weisiger, B.E. (1987). Identification of dysarthria types based on perceptual analysis. Journal of Communication Disorders, 20, 367-378.


Does the Dysarthria Analyzer provide visualized outputs for easy interpretation?

Absolutely! Our software generates visualized data to enhance your understanding of speech patterns and biomarkers. The figures are so simple that even untrained person can understand them for the first sight.

Can you list for which speech disorders is the Dysarthria Analyzed build and tested?

The developer can assure you that the Dysarthria Analyzer has been designed and tested for the following symptoms and diseases (the possible applications are much larged and outside of the developer’s scope): hypokinetic dysarthria, multiple system atrophy, vocal tremor, dysprosody, progressive supranuclear palsy, REM sleep behaviour disorder, dysphonia, Parkinson’s disease, spastic dysarthria, cervical dystonia, laryngeal dystonia, essential tremor, Huntington’s disease, Hyperkinetic dysarthria, cerebellar ataxia, mixed dysarthria, ataxic dysarthria, multiple sclerosis, chorea, alogia.

Does the Dysarthria Analyzer offer data export for research purposes?

Indeed! Our software allows data export, facilitating further analysis and integration into your research.

Can the Dysarthria Analyzer assist in drug development and assessment?

Certainly! Our software provides valuable data for assessing the impact of pharmacological interventions on speech patterns.

Are there collaboration opportunities for pharmacological research?

We welcome collaborations! Reach out to us to explore potential partnerships in advancing dysarthria research. We will provide you to fill a special registration since the software is available only for noncommercial research.

Can the Dysarthria Analyzer be integrated into our existing systems?

The standard free license restrict the use by commercial subject and incorporation into automated systems, Nevertheless, we can tailor a special registration and license that will allow you to seamlessly incorporate our software into your business workflow.

Is there a scalable pricing plan for businesses?

Absolutely! We offer flexible pricing models to cater to the specific needs of your business.

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